Students Information

IMBA Program Curriculum

The Curriculum of International Master of Business Administration (IMBA), National University of Kaohsiung


For students admitted after Academic Year 2018 (107 學年度入學後新生適用)

● The International Master of Business Administration program comprises core courses (21 credits) and 5 elective courses (15 credits). To obtain the MBA degree, an IMBA student must fulfill all the IMBA program requirements to have 36 credits (including finishing MBA thesis). 本碩士學位學程研究生修課須滿 36 學分(論文為畢業門檻)始可畢業。



For students admitted after Academic Year 2015 (104 學年度入學後新生適用)

● The International Master of Business Administration program comprises core courses (24 credits) and 4 elective courses (12 credits). To obtain the MBA degree, an IMBA student must fulfill all the IMBA program requirements to have 36 credits (including finishing MBA thesis). 本碩士學位學程研究生修課須滿 36 學分(論文為畢業門檻)始可畢業。


Here is our course schedule and the introduction to select courses:

System for course selection:



System for course schedule:

How to select course?

⭐️⭐️⭐️ Old students: Remember to classify the type of courses BEFORE you select the course.

How to classify the course?
